/> DOCENTECA - There is / are + negative - 32 Multiple choice sentences
28/10/2015 03:07:46

Hello everybody!
Here´s an exercise that I have used many times to introduce there is / are and its negative form.
It is very easy since it is a multiple choice.
Hope it helps you!

1. ............ a lamp in the room.

 There is       There are      Is there       Are there

2. Susan, .............. a chair in the garden?

 there is       is there         there are     are there

3. “Are there many windows in the house?”

“Yes, .......... many.”

 there are     there is         is there       are there 

4. “Is there a dog in the house?” “No, ......... .”

 there isn’t   is there         there is       there are 

5. ........... many glasses on the table.

 There is       Is there         Are there     There are

6. In the garden .......... three big trees.

 there are     there is         are there     is there

7. Carol, ....... much coffee in the cup?

 are there     is there         there are     there is

8. This morning ........ many children in the park.

 there is       are there         is there       there are

9. ........... a man in the garden?

 Is there      Are there          There is     There are

10. “Is there much tea in the cup?” “No, there .......... much.”

 isn’t            is        aren’t          are 

11.  .......... two little trees in the garden.

 Are there      There is         There are     Is there

12.  ......... a nice door in this house.

Are there         There are         Is there           There is

13.  .......... many windows in the house?

 Are there    Is there        There is           There are

14.  ........... a little girl in the room?

 There are       There is         Are there    Is there

15.  Mum, ......... water in the glass?

 are there     there is         is there       there are

16.  Susan, .... many cups at home?

 there is          are there         there are      is there

17.   .............. many glasses here.

 There are    Is there         There is      Are there

18.   ..... many boys and girls in the park.

 Is  there         There are         There is         Are there

19.  ......... a little girl outside our house?

 There is      Are there         Is there       There are


20.  In London ...........a lot of museums.

 there is       there are         is there      are there

21. ........ many lamps on the wall?

 There are    There is         Is there      Are there

22. “Is there a dog  here?” “No, ................”

 there isn´t      there is         there are     there aren’t

23. “Are there Italians in Spain?” “Yes, .........”

 there are     there is         are there     is there

24. “Are there four rooms in the house?”  “No, ............ five”

 there are     there is         are there    is there

25. ................ two tables in the room?

 Is there      Are there         There is     There are

26. “Are there many animals in the house?” “No, .............only one”

 there isn’t       there are         there is       aren’t

27. “Is there a chair here?” “No, ............. “

 there aren’t    there is          there are      there isn’t

28. “Is there much water?” “No, .............”

 there is      there isn’t        there are    there aren’t

29. .............. many trees in this park?

 Are there    There is         Is there      There are

30. “Are there many people?” “No, ........... only one person”

 there is       there are         there isn’t   are there

31.  In this glass............ some milk.

 there  isn’t      there aren’t         there is          are

32.  â€œSusan, are there many cups on the table?” “......two”

 There is     Are there          Is there       There are

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are   ed. primaria   is   there  
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