/> DOCENTECA - Reading comprehension, Present Simple, adolescents
11/05/2017 15:34:53

Hola, les dejo un reading comprehension para practicar Present Simple con sus alumnos.

Espero les sirva :)

Read the passage and choose the correct options according to the reading.

             One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there because it never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish. The food is really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive to stay but there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at one of the beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.


a) Sam likes warm weather 

b) Sam doesn't like warm weather at all

c) Sam hates warm water

d) Sam likes cold weather


a) His Spanish is very good

b) He speaks Spanish very well

c) He is Spanish

d) He doesn't speak Spanish very well


a) There's a lot to see and do in Mexico 

b) There aren't a lof of beautiful places in Mexico

c) Mexico is a dirty place

d) Tourists never come to Mexico 


a) Hotels are very cheap in Mexico

b) The hotels aren't comfortable there

c) Hotels are all poor in Mexico

d) The hotels in Mexico are pretty expensive

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Gabriel Villar 13/05/2017 03:18:45

Gracias por compartir!

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