/> DOCENTECA - Grammar - Present Perfect - for / since + exercises
26/07/2016 23:52:26

Hi guys! as usual I share some of the activities I prepare for my kids @ school! 
Hope they are useful! 

Grammar - Present Perfect - FOR / SINCE -

Talking about present activities that started in the past

1) Look at the chart.

Present Perfect for / since 
U2 has been successful for more than 30 years.
BONO has tried to help Africasince 2002.

Take note!

for and since

• We use for to talk about a period of time up to the present.
 for twelve years, for three months, for two days, etc.

• We use since to talk about a point of time in the past.
since 1995, since last year, since she was ten, etc.

2)  Circle for or since.

1 Bono has been a rock star for / since 30 years.
2 Charity rock concerts have been popular for / since the 1960s.
3 I've campaigned against world poverty for / since 2008.
4 Sam has been in a band for / since four years.
5 I've known about Bono for / since I was a child.
6 Isabel has had her own company for / since three years.

3) Write sentences with for and since.

1 Mel / live / New York / 2003 

2 She / be / a doctor / two years

3 She / have / a dog / five years  

4 She / live / in her house / last summer

5 She / do karate / six months

6 She / write / a blog / March

4) Over to you!  

Think of three activities you do. Use for or since, and tell the class how long you've done these activities. Can the class guess the activities?

Student A: My clue is: for six years.
Student B: Have you been a student at this school for six years?
Student A: No, I haven't.
Student B: Have you been on the field hockey team for six years?
Student A: That's right! Your turn.

5) Now fill the gaps with FOR or SINCE:

I have been living in New York __________ 
 1 year 

I haven't seen you __________  a week 

I have been waiting __________ 12:30. 

I've lived here __________  5 years. 

I've lived here   __________ 2003 

__________  she came here I've been very nervous 

She has been married __________  ten years 

She has been a doctor __________  1998 

He has been studying English __________ 12.00
I have been living in Valencia __________ 
 last june 

I haven't seen you __________  last week 

Yesterday I studied __________  three hours 

She has been studying English __________   two months 

She has been studying English __________  last January 

She has been studying English __________  your birthday 

He has been studying English __________ two hours 

She has been studying English __________  six minutes 

She has been studying English __________  a long time 

I've been working here __________  the last two years. 

I have loved you __________  the first time I saw you

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